
Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 An activity done regularly in one‘s leisure time for pleasure, for example, singing, playing football, etc can be converted into a profit yielding venture. If the entrepreneur loves the kind of activities that the business will entail, the easier it is for the business to succeed. At all times, the entrepreneur must ensure that there is no conflict between the chosen business venture and his/her preferred life-style.

The purpose of this education is to make the juveniles as well as adult ones aware of the innovation. Entrepreneurship education has mandate to embed adolescents with knowledge and skills to rejuvenate their vision, ideas and intellect.

A process of providing individuals with the ability to recognize commercial opportunities and insight; self-esteem and knowledge to act on them. Referring to the topic, this education is not limited to young people. In this cutting edge age, this education needs to be imparted to people of all ages and both genders.

 We can say that the term entrepreneur is linked to the person who has the strength to turn the thoughts triggered in his mind into actions, plan projects and to make them practical, who is not pusillanimous to take risks and who has undaunted self-motivation to try something innovative irrespective of the profit or loss. Entrepreneurial education is not limited to providing education to the students about how to be a businessman. It is about creating a learning environment to promote tactics and intellect to make them able to nurture the valuable creative thoughts.

Entrepreneurs by creating something new, provoke and excite the other to work with the same creative mind. So they also contribute to promote creativity and productivity such education instills confidence in students, inculcate mannerism and teach them how to take irrevocable decisions.

 "It is all about recognizing hidden passion and to work on it."

While entrepreneurship refers to a person’s ability to translate an idea into action, students need to be introduced to this arena through creative teaching approaches. Entrepreneurship Education empowers students to think creatively, to seek problems – to solve opportunities, to empathise with others, to take risks, to accept failure as part of the growth process, and to appreciate the correlation between hard work and success.


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